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Generation Z


North­eastern partnered with NPR's Mar­ket­place to orga­nize the Innovation Imperative Summit summit, which fea­tured a panel dis­cus­sion focusing on this next gen­er­a­tion of stu­dents, workers, and inno­va­tors. Kai Ryssdal, host of Mar­ket­place, mod­er­ated the dis­cus­sion which included Joseph Aoun, President of Northeastern; Amy Scott, edu­ca­tion cor­re­spon­dent for Mar­ket­place; Bridget Terry Long, the Saris Pro­fessor of Edu­ca­tion and Eco­nomics at the Har­vard Grad­uate School of Edu­ca­tion; and Keyaun Hey­darian, a 17-ear-ld high school senior.  This video was made to introduce the finding to the select policymakers and notable press at the event.  

Work performed: direction, videography, editing, titling, grading.